Democracy Requires Showing Up

Democracy, requires us to all show up. Democracy stands as a cornerstone of governance in Jamaica, fostering a political environment where citizens actively participate in decision-making processes. The significance - Read More -

World Social Justice Day 2024 –

World Day of Social Justice: Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances This day, celebrated on February 20, emphasizes international collaboration and solidarity in addressing social justice within the framework of multilateralism. Understanding the Mission - Read More -

Health Initiative Launched to Assist Mothers and Newborns

Team Interlinc Communications is proud to be associated with this crucial Maternal & Newborn Healthcare initiative of the Ministry of Health & Wellness, the JAH JAH Foundation and American Friends of Jamaica.

Doing Good. The Core Of Who We Are

At Interlinc Communications, being responsible corporate citizens is at the very core of who we are. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are geared towards helping those most vulnerable in the communities in which we operate. Giving back, isn't just good business, it's just the right thing to do. Whether it's a corporate sponsorship of a local event, assisting families in need with school supplies, providing technology support to small businesses and established charities, we have been working hand-in-hand in our communities, making positive and meaningful impact.

2022-08-28T14:25:25-05:00August 27, 2022|Sector: Corporate Social Responsibility, News Releases|
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