Web Hosting
You Can Rely
On & Trust.

With shared web hosting from Interlinc Communications, you get all the reliability, speed and security you’ll need to help build and grow your website and online business. We’ll help to bring your website to life, easily, economically and keep you connected to the world.
Everything’s Included: Website Hosting | Fast Servers | Free Domain | Email Address | Advance Toolkit | SSL
Host something special – A blog, an online store, a WordPress, Joomla or Drupal website. Our powerful, yet affordable web hosting makes it easy! Get started today. We are standing by.
No Time To Do It? Let Us Design & Host Your Website For You!
Same Powerful Web Hosting. Bundled With Professional Website Design Services.
With our Website Design and E-Commerce Bundles, you get to focus on your business, while benefiting from our professional design services. Our team of highly professional skilled, website designers will consult with you to get all your content together and take care of the entire project from to start to finish. Since 1994 we have built hundreds of websites. Take a look at our portfolio and then get in touch with us.